Two of his great-grandparents were signers of the Declaration of Independence, as was a great great-uncle Arthur Middleton. His grandfather, Karl Friedrich von Schirach fought for the Union in the American Civil War, losing a leg at the Battle of Bull Run and serving in the the honor guard at President Lincoln's funeral in 1865. Three of his grandparents were Americans with strong ties to the history and culture of the United States. One would think this man, given his family background, would work for FDR supporting the American effort in the Second World War...
Unfortunately, Baldur Benedikt von Schirach, despite his American roots, became obsessed with Hitler, the Nazi Party, and anti-Semitism...He instead chose to serve the Third Reich at its highest levels.
Baldur was born in 1907. His father was a well known theater manager in Berlin and a retired Prussian Army officer, the family having emigrated back to Germany but still retaining American attachments, his wife, Emma Tillou being an American from Philadelphia. His first language was English, only learning German when he was five years of age and becoming highly fluent in both. He was an artistic child and young man with a penchant for poetry. His family were strong nationalists, who supported the Monarchy, and that included his American mother. The disaster that was the First World War set the stage for the von Schirach family to accept Nazism and a charismatic leader by the name of Adolf, longing for the glory days of Germany's past. Stunned by Germany's defeat, Baldur's younger brother committed suicide in 1919, and a general malaise descended on the household. Baldur and his family met Adolf Hitler in 1925 and they were enthralled. Even Emma von Schirach was taken in, exclaiming, "At last, a German patriot!".
Baldur was swept off his feet by Adolf, falling in love with the man and the Nazi philosophy. Hitler, on the other hand was shrewd, and knew money, power and influence when and where he saw it. In these early days of the Nazi movement, Adolf needed support of individuals who could assist in his rise to power. Perhaps this is why Baldur was befriended and groomed by Hitler.
He bought into Nazism, Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf and other literary works that gave life to an evil empire, particularly The International Jew authored by none other than Henry Ford himself. For his studious acceptance and cooperation, von Schirach was made leader of the Hitler Youth, an organization like the Boy Scouts, but fervently militant and sycophantic towards the Nazi Party and its leadership. Throughout the period, Hitler and Baldur remained close, allowing von Schirach to wield much power and influence. During the invasion of France in 1940, Baldur actually enlisted, serving as a combat officer in the German Army and winning the Iron Cross, 2nd Class for his actions. Baldur von Schirach married the daughter of Hitler's personal photographer and had four children by Henriette Hoffman (incidentally, all are still alive, successful in their own right in the Arts, Law and Business). He eventually ended up as Gauleiter (or governor) of Vienna, happily shoving Vienna's Jews on trains with a destination that spelled doom for most, if not all of these individuals.
After Germany's defeat, Baldur was brought to Justice (if you can call it that) at the Nuremburg Trials. He was only one of two in the Nazi leadership under trial to publicly denounce Hitler in open court. The other was Albert Speer. Incidentally, both of these men were fluent English speakers. For his Crimes Against Humanity, Baldur was given a prison sentence of 20 years. He served his full sentence, gaining release in 1956, and living a quiet life of shame until his death in 1974...remaining German until the end.
To say that Baldur von Schirach did not serve evil would be an untruth. He was well aware of his American roots, and in fact, was more American than German. He was not a stupid individual, but perhaps he was blinded by the social benefits of being close to the power center of the Nazi State. His bigotry is perhaps his worst crime, openly hating Jews, and contrary to his tawdry claim of knowing nothing of death camps, rounding them up and shipping them off, stealing their freedom, wealth and possessions. Had he chosen differently, von Schirach would certainly have been given a high position in the American war administration, likely in the Office of Strategic Services or O.S.S., and most certainly would have had at the very least a working relationship with President Roosevelt. He might well have been an American WWI hero. Instead, he decided to besmirch his roots, shaming his background and tarnishing a legacy that stretched all the way back to the founding of these United States.

Mark Felton Productions. (2022, August 1). Hitler's American Minister [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf_-nzylppc
Kater, Michael H. (2009). Hitler Youth. Harvard University Press.
Snyder, Louis L. (2005). Hitler's Henchmen: Nazis Who Shaped the Third Reich. David & Charles.